“As a yoga teacher I found Rolfing beneficial in many ways. Initially, I had some injuries which I could not understand or heal through yoga or other body work modalities. After several sessions with Russell, and through our conversations about the body, my long-term injuries were resolved. ”
“The greatest insight I came away with is the concept of fascia as a continuous form which runs throughout the body. I had taught my yoga students for years that their arms were connected to their toes, and finally I had a name to give this idea. I am grateful for my physical healing and for my deeper comprehension of the body.”
“I love Steph Thurman. They are a fantastic Rolfing Practitioner. They understand and quickly convey that proper alignment, physiologic function and anatomical structure are related. Steph is very good at working with clients one-on-one and making clients feel at ease as they receive soft tissue manipulation and the Rolfing work.”
“I did a 10 session series with Steph and left happy and more open after every session. I looked forward to every session. They’re great to work with. Steph’s a bright light and a wonderful person.”
“It is a very direct path to body freedom. Because of the many twists and turns that were living in my pre-Rolfed body, I think my attempt at many of the yoga poses was futile. I’m at a better space now to work in the poses and benefit from them more in the way they are intended. Being Rolfed brought me to an alignment that I know to be balanced, and I take that body-knowledge with me into headstand and shoulder stand.”
“Breath is central to yoga, so I would say that Rolfing has opened up the restrictions around my lungs and ribs and shown me how it feels to take full breaths without stress and restriction.”